Geosystem |
General questions |
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Author: | guardy [ 14 Sep 2007, 09:50 ] |
Post subject: | General questions |
Hello again. I will try to expose my "problems", questions regarding Delta, and if you are so kind please help me. 1. I want to put shortcuts on 1,2,3...keys on the keyboard, i manage to do that from options-general-change but, when i'm in collect menu i must press key one several time to reach to desired code, it not take from the first strike. 2. If i want to put shortcut on a single key with a code wich is for example at the end of the layer's list, this is not posible because in options i have only the first codes. How can i put a shortcut on a key with the code that i want from the layers list? 3. There is any posibility to change during colection the drawing into 2d mode in order not to enter in edit mode, because the navigator is pure irelevant with wrong direction and without any mark showing the position. 4. Is there any way to make a parallel on any object in collect mode indicating the spot where the duplicated object should be? That's all for now, thank you. |
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